
Creating a scalable, multi-platform solution for virtual urgent care.
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Client: CloseKnit Industry: Healthcare Role: Product Designer and Front-End Developer Duration: 6 months Tools Used: Ruby on Rails, React Native, Hotwire, Figma, HTML, CSS (TailwindCSS), JavaScript Website:

Project Brief

CloseKnit, a virtual-first primary care startup, aimed to expand its mobile app to offer urgent care. The application would be launched as native iOS and Android applications and a web app for desktop browser use. The project required quick market deployment with a small team while managing multiple integrations.


  1. Develop a web application that complements the existing mobile app.
  2. Ensure seamless integration with various healthcare systems.
  3. Deliver the product within a tight timeline.

Research & Discovery

To ensure the new desktop version of CloseKnit’s virtual-first urgent care practice met user needs, we began with user research. We conducted surveys and interviews to understand patient preferences. This research revealed that patients desired a larger screen for better visibility during consultations and would use a desktop if offered. This helped patients feel connected with the doctor and allowed the potential to build more trust. Ultimately, trust is the most critical factor when creating technology, especially medical technology.

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Design and Prototyping

In the design and prototyping phase, we leveraged Figma to create wireframes and high-fidelity interactive prototypes. Our primary focus was on developing a clean, user-friendly interface that aligned with CloseKnit’s brand identity. Developing a scalable design system ensured consistency across platforms. This system includes essential components like color schemes, typography, iconography, and components for form elements.

Numerous accessibility checks were implemented to cater to a diverse user base, ensuring that the application is usable by all patients. We ensured accessibility by adhering to WCAG contrast guidelines when creating an extended color palette for product use. This would ensure we were making the interface usable for all patients. To validate our design choices and gather user feedback, we created interactive prototypes. These prototypes allowed stakeholders and users to experience the application’s functionality firsthand, providing valuable insights that guided further refinements and ensured the final product was intuitive and effective.

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We had to balance the speed of delivery with maintaining high-quality design and functionality. Despite these challenges, we successfully delivered a fully functional web application integrated with CloseKnit’s mobile app. We also provided high-fidelity mockups and interactive prototypes for future updates, ensuring the product’s longevity.

Impact and Results

The launch of the web application successfully expanded CloseKnit’s reach to members in need of urgent care (on desktop or mobile), resulting in a 30% increase in user satisfaction ratings. Client feedback was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the seamless design and efficient implementation. The project also led to notable improvements in team communication and workflow, thanks to our team’s influence.